Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random Song of the Day! #2

Hey hey, it's day two of the first week of this blog! Ah, what a wonderful day today's been. :) Just got back from a Jazz festival in SLO, so things are going well ^_^ but anyway, that's not what this is about! Without further ado,

Today's Random Song of the Day! is:

Title: Happy Material (Beloved Version)
Artist: Negima! Cast
Album: Negima! Mahoragakuen Chutobu 2-A: Happy Material
Genre: J-Pop

Wow, to be honest I haven't heard this song in the longest time! Man, I remember when I first watched the Negima! Series. I completely fell in love with it. Anyway, this song's always been a personal favorite of mine. The singers aren't bad for your run of the mill voice actors, and the song itself is extremely catchy! It's cute, fun, and bubbly. If that's your cup of tea, then go ahead and give this a listen or pick up the album! :)

7 outta 10