Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random Song of the Day! #2

Hey hey, it's day two of the first week of this blog! Ah, what a wonderful day today's been. :) Just got back from a Jazz festival in SLO, so things are going well ^_^ but anyway, that's not what this is about! Without further ado,

Today's Random Song of the Day! is:

Title: Happy Material (Beloved Version)
Artist: Negima! Cast
Album: Negima! Mahoragakuen Chutobu 2-A: Happy Material
Genre: J-Pop

Wow, to be honest I haven't heard this song in the longest time! Man, I remember when I first watched the Negima! Series. I completely fell in love with it. Anyway, this song's always been a personal favorite of mine. The singers aren't bad for your run of the mill voice actors, and the song itself is extremely catchy! It's cute, fun, and bubbly. If that's your cup of tea, then go ahead and give this a listen or pick up the album! :)

7 outta 10

Friday, February 26, 2010

Guitar Hero Smash Hits

So I'm sure most of us remember when the first Guitar Hero game came out. It actually didn't attract my attention enough to actually go out and buy it, to be honest. I hadn't heard of it and, at the time, decided that it wasn't worth the dough. Now I seriously take that back, considering I own Five different seasons of GH.

But, by far, Guitar Hero Smash Hits has got to be my favorite out of them all. I mean, it's not exactly a whole new interface from World Tour, but the songs are enough to keep me totally hooked to this. SH basically takes the best songs out of the previous GH seasons and makes them playable for the entire band. When I read that, I thought, "Awesome!"

I'm a person that usually hates going through career mode because of the songs that I don't know/dislike, but with this game, I didn't mind playing through career at all! I loved it. Each song was something I enjoyed listening to. :)

Here are a few of my favorite songs to play:
  • YYZ - Rush
  • Killing in the Name of - Rage Against the Machine
  • Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
  • Miss Murder - AFI
  • Stellar - Incubus
and there are plenty of others. There are some quirks that sort of bug me, like some glitching here and there, and that they really didn't put any effort into changing the slightest thing other than the songs. But that aside, it's a great buy and totally worth it for GH drummers, guitarists, basists, singers, or fans.

Recommendation: Very High
Rating: 9 out of 10

Random Song of the Day! #1

Today marks the beginning of a segment I like to call "Random Song of the Day!" Oh, the originality. Basically what I'll do is start up iTunes and press play, and since my library is on shuffle, a random song will start up. That song will be the "Random Song of the Day!". I'll then proceed to state the title, artist, album, genre, and my own quick two-cents and rating. Anyway, without further ado...

Today's Random Song of the Day is:

Title: Humoresque of a Little Dog
Artist: Masato Kouda
Album: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Soundtrack (Earthbound)
Genre: VGM

I must say, this song makes me want to dance every single time. To be honest, all of the songs on the various Brawl Soundtracks are at the very top of my list. The remixes are great! The entire Brawl collection is a must listen for those big VGM fans.

8 out of 10

Xtrap Issues :(

I've been getting these Xtrap errors and they've been seriously hindering my Audition playing. I get disconnected every five minutes, and frankly, it's quite the nuisance >:( I sent an email to Xtrap support but haven't gotten anything back as of now.

Because of this I've taken a temporarily leave from Audi. Well, it's not like I have a choice anyway. I can't really do anything on it at this point. Ah, the miseries of computer errors.


Welcome to my newly created blog. Nerd Blog is basically something of a way for me to give my own personal opinions about Games, Anime, Soundtracks, and some random things here and there once in a while. If you find my information is somewhat useful, then please follow or subscribe! Comments, questions, and concerns are happily received.

It'll take me a bit to get this all up and running, but hopefully, it'll be a good run and something you and I will both enjoy! Thanks and Happy Reading! :)