Friday, February 26, 2010

Guitar Hero Smash Hits

So I'm sure most of us remember when the first Guitar Hero game came out. It actually didn't attract my attention enough to actually go out and buy it, to be honest. I hadn't heard of it and, at the time, decided that it wasn't worth the dough. Now I seriously take that back, considering I own Five different seasons of GH.

But, by far, Guitar Hero Smash Hits has got to be my favorite out of them all. I mean, it's not exactly a whole new interface from World Tour, but the songs are enough to keep me totally hooked to this. SH basically takes the best songs out of the previous GH seasons and makes them playable for the entire band. When I read that, I thought, "Awesome!"

I'm a person that usually hates going through career mode because of the songs that I don't know/dislike, but with this game, I didn't mind playing through career at all! I loved it. Each song was something I enjoyed listening to. :)

Here are a few of my favorite songs to play:
  • YYZ - Rush
  • Killing in the Name of - Rage Against the Machine
  • Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
  • Miss Murder - AFI
  • Stellar - Incubus
and there are plenty of others. There are some quirks that sort of bug me, like some glitching here and there, and that they really didn't put any effort into changing the slightest thing other than the songs. But that aside, it's a great buy and totally worth it for GH drummers, guitarists, basists, singers, or fans.

Recommendation: Very High
Rating: 9 out of 10

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